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teacher presents to students on steps in seminar

Kent Denver Seminar
The Kent Denver Seminar provides dedicated time for students to explore a wide array of topics with guidance from experts in our Wellness, Information & Innovation, Equity & Community Engagement and Senior Leadership teams.

Seminar Topics

Seminar topics are unique to each grade level and meet the evolving needs of students as they move through Kent Denver's 6-12 program. Here are a few of the areas of focus that our Seminar will address this year!

Middle School

6th Grade 
KDS technology | study skills | information literacy | community engagement | design & fabrication | wellness

7th Grade
digital thriving | study skills/health | service learning | wellness | sustainability

8th Grade
leadership | health/study skills | digital thriving | cultural competency | design & entrepreneurship

Upper School

9th Grade 
high school transition | digital thriving | information literacy | study skills | wellness | design & fabrication | health | cultural competency | sustainability

10th Grade 
digital thriving | study skills | entrepreneurship | college counseling | cultural competency | mindfulness | sustainability | health

11th Grade 
sustainability | information literacy | study skills | wellness | cultural competency | college counseling 

12th Grade  
college counseling | college transition | CIE prep | Head of School exit interview

Keep Exploring

Our liberal arts program empowers students in and out of class.

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student smiling while writing on white board

Students can customize and direct their learning experiences.

Learn more

student 3D printing a butterfly

From music and theatre to the visual arts, students can get creative.

Explore the Arts