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Explore Our CampusKent Denver's scenic, 200-acre campus supports more than 200,000 square feet of state-of-the-art academic, arts and athletic facilities. Our wide-open spaces also include a Tiny Farm, two reservoirs, 1,600+ trees, a thriving wetlands and easy access to the High Line Canal Trail. 

Interactive Campus Map

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campus map

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Map Points

Blackmer Hall (Business, Alumni & Development Offices)
Schaden Dining Hall
McGrath Welcome Center (Admission and College Counseling)
Upper School South
Gates Science & Magness Technology Centers
Anschutz Family Student Center for the Arts
El Pomar Hall
Middle School
Jornayvaz Visual Arts Center
Yates Pavilion & Black Fieldhouse
Justin DeSorrento Memorial Field (DeSo Field)
Campus Services & Bus Depot
Horn Family Field
Judd’s Field (Varsity Baseball)
Kenny Memorial Field—(JV/MS Baseball)
Lower North & Lower Middle School Fields
Tiny Farm
Coors Family Tennis Courts
Upper FieldsE
Head of School Residence

Space to Thrive

Our physical surroundings have a significant impact on our ability to learn. At Kent Denver, we believe students should have dynamic, spacious, state-of-the-art learning spaces that stimulate their curiosity, fuel their imagination and empower their best work. Our 200-acre campus includes:

65+ Classrooms

Our state-of-the-art classrooms feature learning spaces for English, history, math, world language, science and visual & performing arts. 

About our Academics

Learning Hubs

The Duncan Center and Centennial Center offer ample space for student learning and collaboration.

A Look At Student Innovation

Two Impact Studios

Our dedicated innovation spaces are equipped with a tech CNC machine, 3-D printers, digital laser cutters, Virtual Reality equipment and numerous digital and analog tools to design and build almost anything!

Innovation & Student Agency

Performing Arts Theaters

Highlighted by the main stage in Anschutz Family Theatre, students have professional spaces to build amazing sets, direct plays, run tech and perform in front of their peers.

Theatre at Kent Denver

Professional Music Spaces

Our music program gives students the opportunity to learn and produce their favorite tunes in our guitar labs and a fully-equipped, professional recording studio.

About Our Music Program

Visual Arts Center

Our arts building features incredible studios for ceramics, metals, photography, drawing/painting and digital art. 

Visual Arts At Kent Denver

Wellness Spaces

In the Scobie Center for Student Life, students can study, meet with our dedicated counselors or just spend time with friends. 

Our Commitment To Student Wellness

Two Outdoor Amphitheaters

Chenery Theater and Kennedy Garden Amphitheater are beautiful venues for outdoor musical performances and other special events on campus.

Student Life

Two Reservoirs

Our 200-acre campus features two beautiful reservoirs, as well as a boat house with canoes for outdoor learning and exploration.

Our Focus On Sustainability

Amazing Athletic Facilities

Our athletic facilities include three gymnasiums, nine outdoor playing fields, two all-season turf fields, a newly-renovated track, a weight room and seven tennis courts.

About Kent Denver Athletics 

An Environmental Focus

Kent Denver has four LEED-certified buildings, including Schaden Dining Hall, Yates Pavilion, the Middle School and Welcome Center. Our 300+ on-campus solar panels generate more than 450 KWH. These solar sources provide 50% of campus electricity use.

About Our Dining Hall

Campus Tour

Watch the video below to take a virtual tour of our beautiful 200-acre campus!

A Focus on Sustainability

Nestled on 200 acres of land in Englewood, Colorado—with views of the Front Range in the distance—the beautiful natural environment is part of what makes our school so special. Maintaining our spaces and promoting a sustainable future—not just for our campus but for the greater community, as well—is a critical component of the Kent Denver experience.

From our environmentally-friendly buildings to our lunch menu, outdoor spaces, local wildlife, apple orchard, Tiny Farm and even our classroom learning, sustainability is always a focus in everything that we do. 

Learn more about our environmental efforts.

Sustainability at KDS

Campus view looking at Upper School North with the mountain range in the background

More About Kent Denver

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Students walking outside to class

Learn about our 100-year history as a school.

Our History

a banner celebrating Kent Denver's Centennial Year

Get a taste of what life is like as a Kent Denver Sun Devil.

See Yourself Here

Upper School students sitting in class